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Soddy-Daisy Fall Festival Vendor Information 2022 – Old Information

By September 28, 2022November 18th, 2024No Comments

Address: 190 Depot St, Soddy-Daisy, TN 37379

Vendors MUST enter at Durham street for setup.

Vendor Setup:

You may drive your vehicle onto the grass for setup but it must be off the park grounds by 9:30 am no exception. Please be VERY CAREFUL of other vendors.

Address: 190 Depot St, Soddy-Daisy, TN 37379

Vendors MUST enter at Durham street for setup.

Keep Soddy-Daisy Beautiful is only providing the space for your booth and not providing any canopies, tables, or chairs for your setup. If you have electricity your number will be red on the map and you are responsible for bringing your own extension cord and making sure it is not a tripping hazard.

Unless you requested a larger space, each vendor will have about a 20×20 area for setup. Since this is a park, it isn’t square, and there are obstacles that will need to be set up around. I am asking vendors be flexible and work with their neighbors to make the booth layout look good and make a nice flow of visitors. I will have walkways marked and I would prefer guests aren’t walking between vendors if possible just to avoid safety issues. This park is huge and there will be plenty of space for everyone.

Friday, October 14th:

After 4 PM: Day before setup is available for food trucks or other vendors who can lock up their goods. The Soddy-Daisy Police Dept will be patrolling the park but I cannot guarantee the safety of your property.

Saturday, October 15th:

6 AM – 7:30 AM: Food truck or vendors with vehicles that are part of their booth are welcome to start setting up at the festival. I recommend food trucks setup early to get the 5K and volunteer crowd business.

7:30 AM – 8:30 AM: Vendors who have a number on the map are welcome to start setting up. I will be allowing late registered vendors to start setting up at 8:30 am and cannot guarantee your preferred setup if you wait and setup after 8:30 am.

8:30 AM – 9:30 AM: Late registered vendors will be welcomed to start setting up in the no-show and open areas of the park. All vendors must stay off of the marked walkways.


Vendor Parking:

Unless you have made specific arrangements with me all vendor vehicles must be parked in overflow parking across from the park after you have unloaded your supplies. See Image Below:

Important Information:

  • The grass will be wet the morning the event. Your shoes will get wet, your stuff will get wet. Bring rubber boots if you have them and towels.
  • The weather is unpredictable in October. Dress and prepare for 70s to 50s. This is a rain or shine event so also prepare for a rain shower (October is usually the driest month of the year).
  • We will have volunteers available to help you with finding your space and any other issues that may arise the morning of the event.
  • Bring a reusable water bottle. We will have water stations with filtered water setup for volunteers and vendors. We will not have plastic water bottles available.
  • If you are providing a giveaway and made a certificate using the link, we will be announcing the winner. If you wanted to giveaway the item at your booth instead please let me know and I will delete your certificate.

Vendor List :

Vendor Map: